Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Gogo Fatale: Boosting the signal

One of the eventing bloggers out there, Andrea, has been struggling with and documenting serious lameness issues with her wonderful horse, Gogo Fatale, for several years. I haven't been following Andrea and Gogo Fatale's story on Eventing-A-GoGo for long, and I've never met either, but it doesn't take long to get attached to Andrea and her mare. Gogo has such a huge personality that it's impossible to not love her, and Andrea is so devoted to her horse and her sport that it's impossible to not empathize with what she's been going through.

I'm still hoping that Andrea and her team of vets find a way to pull Gogo out of her lameness and help her become at least pasture sound, comfortable and able to live a happy, retired life. Even as I hope, though, Andrea is facing the awful choice that faces all animal owners at one time or another. It's too soon, it's too sad. But it's looming.

The Sprinkler Bandit and several of her friends have decided to get a fund together to get a memorial gift for Andrea as she faces this uncertainty. This is sort of a pay-it-forward email, as one of TSB's friends was going through similar issues with her own horse, Denali. If you read Andrea, and even if you don't or didn't until today, and if you would like to contribute any amount (none too small), please PayPal to rehabdenali@yahoo.com.

We're all eventers together, and more importantly, we're all horse lovers together. I can't imagine what Andrea must be going through, and I wish I could do something more substantial to help. As it is, she and Gogo have all my thoughts and prayers, and a contribution to the memorial gift fund.

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