Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What's up.

First -- sending all my love to Andrea and Gogo. May Gogo's last day be full of love and carrots, and may her passing be swift and painless. May Andrea remember all the good days, the triumph, the joy, the peace, and the love. May all pain slip away as Gogo crosses the bridge.

That said, I'm almost embarrassed to say that life for me and Rev is pretty good. We had another good ride on Friday, and then a jumping lesson on Saturday. I'm ... working at it. I guess it feels a lot more rocky than it looks. I felt like I was flailing and flopping all over the place, but my lesson partner said she thought I'm riding so much better, more with Rev, tighter in the tack, et cetera. MT wasn't unhappy with us either, and we did have a few really good jumps. Still, it feels like I suck.

ANYway. After the lesson on Saturday, I was really, really sore. Much more so than usual. And exhausted. Really, really sleepy -- I bailed on the Saturday D&D game early and was asleep before 10.

Given that, then, imagine my surprise when my phone rang on Sunday morning and I discovered that it was ELEVEN THIRTY!! ACK!! My alarm is set for 7 on weekends, so I can be at the barn by 8 and ready to ride at 9! ACK! So I struggled to the surface of consciousness, declined an invitation to the Renaissance Faire ... and discovered that I felt really, really bad. I took my temperature; 102 degrees. That explained it all! No riding, just back to bed.

Feeling much, MUCH better today. I felt better yesterday, but it seemed like a good idea to stay home and not go out in the cold and wet for one day. Today I'm ready to ride! However, I have plans with TSB to hang out at her place, admire the new hand-me-down TV, and watch Burghley 2006. :)

Also -- Is it Friday morning yet?! Or even Thursday? I am ready to click BUY on the light sheet I want for Rev, and I can't do it until I get paid. My poor mare! *fret* I might add some lined stirrup leathers to the order, but we'll see ... *fret*

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